Code of Professional Ethics

The components of our code of professional ethics :

Global Counter Terrorism Council base our business code of ethics on common principles of ethics.

GCTC Policy brief & purpose

Our professional code of ethics policy aims to give our employees guidelines on our business ethics and stance on various controversial matters. We trust you to use your better judgment, but we want to provide you with a concrete guide you can fall back on if you’re unsure about how you should act.
This policy applies to everyone we employ includes individual people such as employees, interns, volunteers.

Respect for Others

In GCTC It’s mandatory to respect everyone you interact with. Be kind, polite and understanding. You must respect others’ personal space, opinions and privacy. Any kind of violence is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate termination. You’re also not allowed to harass or victimize others.

Integrity and Honesty

First, always keep in mind our organization’s mission. We all work together to achieve specific outcomes. Your behavior should contribute to our goals, whether financial or organizational. Be honest and transparent when you act in ways that impact other people (e.g. taking strategic decisions or deciding on layoffs). We don’t tolerate malicious, deceitful or petty conduct. Lies and cheating are huge red flags.

No Corruption or Bribery

Bribery is the offering, giving, or receiving of anything of value with the intention of inducing a person to act or to reward a person for having acted. Items of value can include, but are not limited to :
Corruption includes the solicitation of a bribe, whether or not coupled with a threat of demand if refused. GCTC does not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption. Irrespective hereof, situations may arise which do not constitute corruption or bribery but may allow the judgement of our members, clients, and business partners to be compromised. We are prohibited from accepting any gift that may influence their judgment on company matters as it pertains to the donor.


Don’t act in a way that exploits others, their hard work or their mistakes. Give everyone equal opportunity and speak up when someone else doesn’t. Be objective when making decisions that can impact other people, including when you’re deciding to hire, promote or fire someone.


You are obliged to follow all laws which apply to our organization. Depending on your role and profession, there might be various laws you need to observe.
When you’re preparing contracts, clauses, disclaimers or online copy that may be governed by law (such as consent forms), please ask verification from [our legal counsel] before finalizing anything.
You’re also covered by policy of confidentiality and data protection. You must not expose, disclose or endanger information of customers, employees, stakeholders or our business . Also follow the policy of cybersecurity of our organisation.

Competence and Accountability

Work hard and be responsible for your work. We all need to put a healthy amount of effort in our work. Not just because we’re all responsible for the organization’s success, but also because slacking off affects our colleagues. Incomplete or slow working might hinder other people’s work or cause them to shoulder the burden themselves. This comes in direct conflict with our respect and integrity principles.


Working well with others is a virtue, rather than an obligation. You will certainly get to work autonomously and be focused on your own projects and responsibilities. But, you should also be ready to collaborate with and help others.

Prevention of Money Laundering and Illegal Activities

GCTC is fully committed to the international fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and applies a risk-based, “know-your-client” policy in line with applicable laws and regulations. We must neither be engaged in nor tolerate any illegal activity in connection with GCTC in their workplace. This applies in particular to any infringement of anti-trust regulations and any support of tax evasion, including but not limited to, any kind of complicity in tax fraud.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest can cast doubt on the integrity and professionalism of GCTC. Potential conflicts of interests must be identified at the earliest reasonable opportunity. If they cannot be avoided, any conflict situation must be handled fairly.
A conflict of interest occurs whenever our personal interests interfere in any way with our ability to perform our jobs objectively and in the best interests of the company. Members must therefore refrain from entering into relationships or transactions that might impair their judgment as to what is best for the company. Even relationships that create the appearance of a conflict of interest should be avoided.


GCTC does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in the workplace, based on criteria such as age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, race, political attitude, or workers’ representative activities, religion, or sexual orientation.

Protection of Company Assets

Safeguarding the company’s assets is the responsibility of all members. Theft, carelessness, and waste have a direct impact on the company’s profitability. Assets should be used efficiently and maintain such assets with care and respect, while guarding against waste and abuse. Look for opportunities to improve performance while reducing costs. The use of company time, materials, assets, or facilities for purposes

Ethical Conduct of Business

The goals of this Code can only be achieved with the contribution of all. It is everyone’s personal responsibility to adhere to this Code of Conduct.